Garry Ure

By garryure


Well, another day, another new toy. Actually I got this a few days ago and wasn't really going to mention it but as I haven't left the house today it had to fill in.

Even though it's a bank holiday I was due to be in work today. However Brody was kind enough to share the stomach bug he had at the end of last week with Susie and I. Susie had it on Saturday and I woke up this morning with the definite notion that I was imminently going to puke.

I've felt pretty crappy for the rest of the day and have yet to try and eat anything. The new iPad has had a lot of use though and I've been reading through the last couple of issues of the BJP. Susie pointed out that I had it easier than she did as the boys were at nursery; I think she probably has a point. Saying that, they're on their way home now and I still feel dodgy.

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