It is a beautiful life-

By domo

Lets Change

The welcoming smiles and laughs, the kisses on foreheads, the jokes, the hugs, the songs, the dancing, the love.
The one thing that I need more than anything in this world is to feel accepted and loved and to KNOW that I am accepted and loved.
I crave hugs and touch and communication.
I need to be told that I am doing well and that I am wanted.
I get this and more from the girls in my chapter.
I love them, and they love me.

People making fun of the girls in my chapter, and not even knowing them.
'Sorority girl' stereotypes, being told than I am going to change, the valley girl voices, the snide remarks.

I let it roll off my back for the most part, but just know that it doesn't make me feel good.

So lets change.
Get to know people before you judge them.
Abandon the stereotypes.
Know that your friends will be there, even if they are out making other friends.
Accept that change will happen - Who wants to be the same person that they were years ago? Not me.
I want to grow and learn and meet new people and become something bigger and better than I could have ever imagined.
So let it happen.
If I change, it'll be for the better.

This is one of the few real positive things to happen to me.
I made an amazing choice in my life when I decided to do this.
I don't regret it, please don't make me feel bad about it.

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