
By rushy


This is a note left on my wife's work computer at 10 this morning.
Without thinking she got a colleague to give her a lift home all the time trying to phone me.
When she got home our daughter was doing her college work.She nor the neighbours knew nothing about this.She phoned work to be told someone had played a practical joke but put it on the wrong computer.
She was obviously very upset and brought to tears over the stupidity of few idiots at work.
Luckily for them I didn't find out until I picked her up from work.
I would not of hesitated in phoning the police.For 1 I think burglars should have their fingers chopped off and 2 my thoughts would of being for my daughter in he house alone.
The culprits will be getting reprimanded and hopefully learnt a lesson.

Still angry but feel better now I've had a rant.
Thanks for listening.

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