'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

A favourite fall back!

Thank goodness for ladybirds is all I can say!

Three beautiful things:

Watching the light dance across the landscape. I love how it almost creates a spotlight effect and even after living here for 6 years I still see something new.

The sound of the owls this morning, just knowing they are there is kind of cool. Now and then I catch fleeting glimpses. My most memorable sighting of an owl was last year as a passenger in a car. I happened to look out of the window to find an owl flying parallel with us. It was completely breathtaking!

A fourth double yoker in a row! am even in a twitter conversation with an author over this - lol!

One thing to be grateful for:

The dead rabbit that Suki dumped at my feet in the living room still has it's head. She seems to prefer the head and leaves the body! Sorry to share but she is very much a country cat!

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