the princess...

...diva grace

for molly... who once said -

gracie looks so much like tigger, even a faint white spot on the end of her nose

we had many a chat about our kitties - especially after i disclosed that my princess grace was sick with hyperthroidism - and i was struggling to massage ear gel on her daily... tigger had difficulties as well - so the exchanges were plentiful and usually comical - because... well - cats provide opportunities for laughter - enough so that molly was able to take my mind off the potential seriousness of gracie's illness...

molly was one of those very faithful blip friends... she'd come around to look at what i'd done - leave a comment - sometimes long, sometimes only a few words... but they were always endearing - very sincere - from the heart - uplifting... made me believe in myself and the ability i didn't think i had as a photographer...

i believe she was that way with a lot of us - touching lives in a fashion that goes beyond a simple passing of human nature - she was graced with a rare manner of being able to interact with anybody and everybody - is touching people even today who didn't have the privilege of actually knowing her... what an incredible gift - her journal has become a sort of touchstone for blippers - her stories a kind of legend to us as we venture back to relive some of our history with her...

i think she would blush and wave her hands about the fuss we're spending on her today... say it's too much - she's not worth it or some such... but deep down inside - where it really counts, i believe she'd be honored - truly touched that we would hold her in such high esteem - value her friendship so much... i miss you, molly: for the welcome you gave me - the constant encouragement you provided - the friendship you bestowed upon me... gracie perked up at hearing your name today - really, she did! chatting about you and remembering together - made for...


happy day.....

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