Food of the Gods

When the Gods were sitting on Mount Olympus having a discussion about which animal would produce the best fat for frying potatoes, we all know that they settled on the goose.

But I like to think there was a sub-committee that had a discussion along these lines:

Trainee God #1 - So, the goose gets the vote of the senate.
Trainee God #2 - Yup, looks that way. But I'm a bit troubled.
Trainee God #1 - Why's that?
Trainee God #2 - Well goose is really a Christmas thing
Trainee God #1 - But Christmas hasn't been invented yet
Trainee God #2 - Ah, just you wait - it will be. And then you'll find that there's plenty of goose fat for a few weeks afterwards - maybe pushing into February, but after that there won't be much around. Anyway, its sodding expensive to buy a goose.
Trainee God #1 - February?
Trainee God #2 - Yeerrssss...... Christmas will be in December.
Trainee God #1 - Oh. Who says?
Trainee God #2 - I do. Anyway, we need to find an alternative for those times when there's no geese and the people need to fry potatoes. Any ideas?
Trainee God #1 - Chicken?
Trainee God #2 - Don't be soft. Chickens taste of stuff all.
Trainee God #1 - Guinea Fowl?
Trainee God #2 - Never heard of it. Doesn't sound too good, though.
Trainee God #1 - Duck?
Trainee God #2 - Actually, that's not a bad idea.

And so it was. When you can't get goose fat for frying your spuds, use the excess from a tin of confit de canard. And we did.

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