Picture Perfect

By coolcat

Flower Fever

I can't stop taking pictures of Hershey! He loves the camera and is always curious about the simpliest things. Today wasn't the best day and I want it to be done with. I finshed my homework except for watching the debate. I went to the bone doctor yesterday for my knee. I have Osgood Schlatter diease(not serious) so I can't do gymnastics for a month. I broke my foot over the summer from gymnastics, too. I think I may start a new sport if I keep killing my joints and bones! I got an autograph from Shayla Worley. Not to mention the 1 page personalized letter she wrote me. She didn't make the USA gymnastics olympic team because she broke her leg 2 weeks before the trials. She is so sweet to take the time to write to me!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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