Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

Parking in the car park is too Mainstream ...

Well this week it is just me and the kids as Martin's mum and Martin are away all week .We had planned a treat today of Mcdonalds for tea ,to please ourselves and save time on a scout night .Mcdonalds here is in the same retail area as a huge Carrefour,so you can see the big car park from the Mcdonalds area.

I just had to blip this elderly gent in his Jag ,who had obviously decided he wanted to park in the shade and took it another level by parking "off road " on the verge !He was just putting his shopping in the boot when we arrived ,so I had to get my camera out quickly to capture the moment ! I love the look of concentration on his face as he is trying to push his trolley back over the grass and pavement !another Only in Belgium moment!
A footnote to this tale ,as I had put my camera away he leant over to the ground and picked up an empty wine bottle to check -whether it was completely empty ?or who the heck knows ?
Made us all laugh on a Monday !
Have a good week blippers !

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