Ready steady

2years 200days

Woo Maike's back to nursery! Less Woo, she didnt arrange to pick Katie up until 6.50 this morning, which I didnt get until 7.10 this morning, when she wanted to pick her up at 7. So we still had to go on the bike. But its a lovely day and has been a nice start to a day that otherwise is filled with Corporate Manslaughter Law. And Maike's dropping her home tonight, so all is good.

Our day started at 5am today. Katie has taken to wanting a bath the minute she is properly awake, which means I have to get up the minute she is properly awake, no snoozing whilst she plays at the moment for this mummy!

On the way this morning we passed the cows, and noticed that this year there are calves. Katie was quite pleased to see the babies. She also kept telling me new bits about the day out yesterday, including "I went on the bouncy ride" - meaning the bouncy castle. She also asked on the way to go for a cup of tea, so when she's been dropped off I think we'll pop out for a drink and maybe some tea.

Right, back to the Corporate Manslaughter!

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