Crown Range Pass

Today Rob & I went over to Queenstown we wanted to look for another stool/ side table like the one we already have, the Interior design shop had moved! But we found it and made a purchase.

Coming back over the Pass the light was really nice it has been raining all day.

We stopped at the top where I took this with my phone.

The summit is 1076 metrs above sea level and in 2000 it was sealed.
The pass back in 1860 was crossed by farmers looking for sheep pasture and in early 1863 hundreds of gold seekers used it on their way to skippers & Arrow town diggings.
After that in 1877 tourist trips by horse drawn coaches drove over, scary!
The well photographed tree has been chopped down :-( now they have planted a seedling native beach not sure how that will photograph in years to come!

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