Random Andom

By RandomAndom

D is for Dune

In December 2010 I discovered Ivano, my Italian house mate, had never seen Star Wars. This simply wouldn't do. We then proceeded to watch all 6 films. You can read about that HERE if you want.

A few weeks ago, Ivano decided to return the favour by purchasing "Dune" on DVD.

It is odd that I'd never seen this movie, it is quite well known as a sci-fi epic, and I am a massive geek.

Ivano said it is one of his favourite films and I was intrigued.

I have absolutely no idea what this film was about.

There was a kid, who could see the future, and several planets, and some kind of spice. There was a fat man covered in boils who could fly, and it had Sting as some kind of ginger afro'd killer/ potential sex offender.

The best thing about this film is it has Al from quantum leap with a truly epic haircut. And Captain Picard!! This film is nearly 30 years old and he hasn't aged a day. Tres strange. (That's French for "very strange")

As I said I have no idea what this film was about, some people killed each other, there were some big worms like in tremors, a dessert, and something about a spice.

It seemed quite dull.

Give me Star Trek any day.

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