Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Jubilee Dystopia

I came up with a bizarre ragbag of pictures today and really didn't have a clue which one to choose for my blip. There were a couple of very abstract ones that I liked a lot but I had a bit of a panic that I'd done too many like that recently so they were rejected. There was also one which I took by mistake when I was getting my camera out of my bag at lunchtime and which made me laugh because it was at least as good as any of the ones that I actually took on purpose!

But in the end I plumped for this one because there was something that struck me as being hilariously, bleakly, British about the two figures gazing down from the walkway amidst the diamond jubilee/olympic bunting that's suddenly appeared around town.

Being something of an old curmudgeon I can't claim to be particularly fussed about either event but, being British, I shall maintain a stiff upper lip and carry on regardless. Mustn't grumble!

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