View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Feeding Time

As our lambing has finished I thought i would give you one last look at them. The is a mum feeding her twin lambs. Twin lambs always feed from the same side, you can't tell when the sex is the same but if you have a boy and a girl you can see easily which side and they will run round to the other side if they are on the wrong side.
A fairly quiet day today. Spent the morning in the greenhouse potting up more plants. The greenhouse is overflowing as I can't get them out as it is too cold at night. Went up to Scourie with William and up to Pete & Gill's house to get some egg boxes and garden fleece. Two people that were staying in the caravan below is came up to the house with a book that they thought hubby would be interested in about Geology so they had a walk round the garden and a coffee and a blether and that was the afternoon gone.
Weather was dry and not so cold but the rain came about 5pm but not too heavy and it has stopped now.

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