Bit of handiwork.

My grandma bought a photo album, glued all her photos into it, and then the bindings came off. She received another, but was so smart to test its durability a bit before trying to move the photos; the new album's bindings were as poor as the previous one's. So she returned that one too.

When visiting her on Sunday, my parents and I thought we could separate the pages, and put it in a binder. So I went across town to find a binder of the same size, which was impossible to find, but I found one that looked alike to her album, and near enough in size. So I separated the pages, which went incredibly easy, as they were already half-perforated (as you can see) - why anyone would do that for a photo album I am not sure about. And then I added the holes, and put them in the binder, and glued a couple of paper strips that had come off as well.

Just now, I went through 400+ blip items in my RSS feed. Gives a view of how busy I've been lately, that I didn't have time to look at them before. A couple days ago I already clicked away about a hundred, today the rest. Pff.. let's see if I can keep up with them now.


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