am bioran

By AmBioran

PHC2012 Day Four

A bit warmer and brighter this evening, though with a brisk SW wind.I headed to Nine Mile Burn and traced a reasonable skyline route. There's some amazing windblown larch trees on Braid Law that reminded me of Donald Trump's recent Scottish visit.

Braid Law --> Cap Law --> Green Law --> Spittal Hill --> Patie's Hill


Scald Law
Carnethy Hill X
East Cairn Hill
South Black Hill
West Cairn Hill
West Kip
The Mount
Byrehope Mount
Mount Maw
East Kip
Green Law X
Spittal Hill X
Wether Law
Turnhouse Hill X
Black Hill X
Allermuir Hill X
Castlelaw Hill X
Cock Rig
Patie's Hill X
Caerketton Hill X
Muckle Knock
King Seat
Capelaw Hill X
Mendick Hill
Hare Hill
Darlees Rig
Bleak Law
Harbour Hill X
Mid Hill
Bell's Hill X
Dunsyre Hill
North Muir Hill

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