Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner


Got my number through today for race for life in a couple of weeks. I've been running a fair bit over the last year and are really enjoying now. I damaged my foot over Easter and was just starting to feel super fit again. Even googled a few marathons for autumn just to have a think about it. Then last night my hip started hurting during my run and has continued to niggle all day. Really hoping it goes away as running has been my let out for stress and worries recently. I can't imagine not being able to continue for a while. I HAVE to be fit for the 10k, I've raised money now and just desperate to know what a race event is like. Fingers crossed.

In other news, bought a hideous amount of sweets for the wedding in Costco this morning and got some bits for E's birthday. Then swimming after school for the 2 big ones.

E's (boy!)friend has confirmed he can come to the cinema with us on Sunday. She goes a bit giddy when she talks about him and his cute laugh! :-s

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