
By Cari


.....done with backblipping from the weekend away!!! Whew! Not quite as tired today. Had a full day at work. Came home at lunch time and walked around the garden. I am hoping you lovely blippers out there can help me identify some flowers popping up in my yard! I blipped this beautiful deep red flower several days ago but no one seemed to know what it is. Now, I have the same flower in white with gorgeous purple centers and in mottled version of the red but with more pink. I have been researching but just kind find what they are called. Also, I have these lovely heart shaped pink flowers. Wonder what they are? More hearts in nature in my own yard!!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and that your week is starting out well! You know? I am still tired and putting off cleaning the kitchen just one more day ;) I will be catching up on everyones journal very soon!!!!
This backblipping is very tiring

Happy Tuesday!

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