A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother



Well, I had a disturbed sleep after work yesterday, kept waking myself up with a dry throat & being boiling one minute, then freezing!!!

I did the same last night, I tried to cough quietly as Dan was sleeping! I drank so much as my throat was killing that I nearly had an accident on the way to school with the kids!!

I've been trying to eat museli for the past half hour or so!! It just hurts so much!

The boys had such a laugh on the way to school & fed the ducks!

I let Dan have an extra sleep this morning. They boys & I crept downstairs, put some toast on, got the boys eating & went back upstairs to get Dan up! He managed to shower in peace & get ready in his own time! He had toast & coffee, he's got governors after school today, which means he won't be back until about 8pm!! x

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