Missy #2

Went for an early cylce this morning and had a strange encounter.

I had stopped to take some shots of the wild flowers that were growing at the side of the path. Suddenly I heard som rustling in the trees and when I looked up a deer was bounding off into the forest. Damm, wrong lense. As I missed a great opportunity I decided to go back to ny macro shots. Obviously engrossed in the flowers when I stood up another deer was just about a meter away from me. It obviously hadn't noticed me behind the shrubs and as I stood up I think I gave it the fright of it's life. It ran off barking (the noise sounded just like a dog) and then proceeded to run around in circles, still barking, then ran off into the forest. The barking sound could be heard for a good five minutes.

Don't know who got the biggest fright. Made me wonder. Would it have attacked me? I don't think so but if it had young to protect I don't know.

I headed back home, got a couple of lovely robin shots. (Yep, more robins) then I bumped into my friend out walking her dog. Missy is usually full of beans but today she sat quite still as we had a good moan discussion about our moody teens. Good support network there.

I have blipped Missy before but she has such a beautiful face I thought it was time about tme I took some more photos of her.

Her coat is very dark, shiny black and she has lovely chestnut eyes but I am rather fond of this B&W portrait.

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