As I crawl through your garden...

You stand and laugh!

What better way to lift the spirits than a new (rain) hat?

At this time of year my life turns green, not exactly in the eco sense, but because I live in woodland. The emerging leaves plunge the cottage and garden into shade, from every window all I see is trees.

Last night the sound of rain on the leaves was soporific as I lay in bed with the windows open.
This morning, when I woke, well rested for the first time in a while, it felt more like a tropical rainforest, than southern England. The dawn chorus, more intense in the humid atmosphere, was punctuated by Blue, the randy Peacock and the alarm call of Guinea Fowl.

Thank you for all your wonderfully supportive comments on yesterday's blip, what a splendid place this is!

In case you hadn't noticed, I've got a bit of a theme on the music links this week:

Wednesday in Your Garden

P.S. The hat has been well and truly tested today and it is completely waterproof.

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