All Things Considered I'd Rather Be Sailing
One of those days I guess, mizzle all day, ran in and out, although according to my Nike + app it's half a mile shorter coming home than going in, must be because it's uphill.
Cooked for the children and had an enjoyable meal, laughed all the way through it.
Then the phone rang;
1. Clare - school transition meeting could I go
2. Work - fat pump is broken
3. Work - no it isn't
4. Work - might be broken
Off to the school transition meeting, thirty minutes in I was losing the will to live. I'm surprised I made it into adulthood without mental scarring, no transition group, mentoring or one-to-one for me, just "here's your lunch money, see you later"
5. Kitchen fitter - can I make an appointment!
6. Work - definitely broken
7. Brother - 30 minute chat
Eventually Clare arrived home with some 'illegals', surprising how life looks better after sharing a bowl of maltesers.
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