
By BrackenOE

"Agility Class Lesson No.3"

A few chaotic moments tonight with over enthusiastic dogs and Bracken through the tunnel like flash lightning not even waiting for his treat at the other end as he was too busy chasing the brown Labrador (you can just see her in the foreground of the photo who he appears to be in love with) who ran past her owner and of course the fun began when yet another dog joined in. All loose dogs rounded up we started again in a much more orderly fashion and everyone did well. I'm afraid the photos of the jumps were too blurred to publish which is a shame as they would have been good and we already blipped the tunnel last week. At least it wasn't rained off but the light was quite poor again and there was a bit of rain for the first part of the lesson. Who knows may be next week we will have a heatwave?

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