.. speak a 1000 words

By MichaelaGray

Walk of Life.

I would hate to walk on these with heels on after a few too many wines! I find it difficult walking at the best of times never mind on cobbles, with heels on, drunk.

Anyway , this has nothing to do with my reasoning behind this particular blip today. I've chosen this snap as this evening I met up with a few of my best, most wonderful friends that I have known and been close to since school. It was the same night that we usually have when we all get together, hilariously funny. Reminiscing about past times and pondering over the future always presents itself with jaw aching laughter, happy tears and general silliness. It's perfect. It's wonderful. The cobbles for me represent that no matter how old the friendships are and how little you may see each other, the friendships you have are still strong and still very much there :) still laughing and still loving. My friends and I are very much on the walk of life together :)

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