Bits of Life Thru A Lens

By KimD

What's good for the goose ....

I've been looking for a spot to do a reflection shot (after seeing the fabulous ones done by RedFlash and RichieBoo I have been totally inspired) while waiting for Nick to do his karate class tonight. I found this spot and spotted the goose up by a tree. She was honking like crazy but I didn't pay her any attention at first. When she started getting louder I turned to see how close she was (I'm a bit scared of them! lol) and noticed the babes for the first time. Reflection shot out of mind, I faced my fear and tried for a shot of the babies.

Unfortunately for me, I have learned just enough about my camera to be dangerous. I know enough to "make my meter happy" but I forget to pay attention to just HOW I'm making my meter happy. Sadly, I made it happy tonight by adjusting shutter speed .... I ended up with many many shots that don't make me happy. The vast majority are quite fuzzy because my shutter speed was too slow to keep up with those speedy little chicks. Sigh.

Oh well. Lesson learned. I hope!

Sadly, this is not much better large. The bright side - check out that reflection!! ;-)

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