
We haven't seen young Jake sleep much today. We think he's troubled by reflux and for he hasn't been happy all day. It's been hard work for the new parents here, helpless to make the poor little fellow comfortable. Grandmother and Uncle here have also been feeling rather helpless, wanting to help out but not really finding any way to do so. It's been a tough day all around. Work has not gone that well either. I don't seem to have much to show for many hours at the computer. To cap it all, I feel a bit of a sore throat coming on and fear I might be developing a cold. The energy levels have been low for us all tonight.

It's been another rather grey day, but I did go out on the bike late afternoon for a quick spin up Mt.Holyoke. A little mist was hanging in pockets around the mountain so it made for an atmospheric climb, with an amazing spectrum of shades of green on display. This shot was taken near the bottom of the descent back down and gives a feel for this very heavily forested landscape. It's very green but the wide range of hues created by all the fresh Spring growth make for a spectacular display.

Many, many thanks for all the lovely comments yesterday, plus all the welcomes from you US blippers. I had hoped for a bit of a catch-up tonight, but I really need to get an early night along with the rest of the family here. We're all hoping to feel a bit brighter tomorrow. Especially Jake.

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