Sunshine radiating out of this dampened chrysanthumen. It tells a story, of rain, mist drizzle and generally a very miserable day. A day I have spent indoors, but am off out to book club shortly.

A photography friend came out this morning (just for an hour or two she said), some four and half hours later she was leaving. She asked me to sort out her computor....."me" I said!!! "Surely not". However, sort out I did, and she is so grateful and went away with a large smile and some notes to help her in the future.

I was watching the clock as I needed a couple of hours (at least) to finish my book before tonight. Just finished, and with a tear in my eye ( & there have been some shed during as well), a true story. if you can - "Cleo", Helen Brown is the NZ author. It is labled International Bestseller, I know why.


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