
By atoll

Mackintosh & Wellingtons

A day trip up on the train today to Glasgow, and a fateful decision not to pack raincoat or brolly (and to not check the forecast) meant I got wet. Lucky for me at least that the meeting was not too far from the station.

Didn't have much time today to blip as was rushed from the start being delayed getting to Warrington station by of all things a ship (sailing up the Manchester Ship Canal and requiring a critical swing bridge on my way to open).

My meeting in Glasgow was near GoMA, the Glasgow Museum of Modern Art. Not a formal art installation as such, but a recurring act of playful 'street art', what caught my eye was this installation on that most English of symbols (or Anglo-Irish, as it seems he was born a Dubliner), the grand old Duke of Wellington. A traffic cone is perpetually set on his head at a jaunty angle to cock a snook at Old Boney - or of course, much more likely the authority or Auld Enemy much closer to home.

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