Blip N Run

Will write up later. In the middle of a busy busy day and running late for Lottie's church meeting

Which is why of course I am on here typing!

Back later with more tales of nonsense from my life today


EDIT: See I have left you all hanging around in anticipation that I may have actually had something useful/interesting/humorous/poignant to say.I haven't

The only odd thing that happened ( there's always one isn't there) is that my MPs secretary accused me of lying this morning, So that was nice. Didn't instill a massive amout of confidence that he may be able to help me solve the mystery of the Home Office vistors with guns.

It's been a busy one and one of those days where the list of things expanded to fill the amount of time available. So I decided to thrash that hypothesis and make the time less available instead. Packed up all my jobs into a bin in my brain labelled " Later. Much Later" and took myself off for a walk at my new secret place first seen on Sunday

It feels warm and humid today ( humid being code for " yes it's still bloody well raining but it does show a little sign of tailing off soon" ) and great to be out . Have had a run this morning also ( Half Marathon beckons on Sunday ) so lots of fresh air.

I really shouldn't be on here as have so much to do but I really want to catch up with all your journals. No one ever suffered a terrible fate from not doing the washing did they, however word on the street is that if you don't comment on fellow blippers journals for more than 5 days in a row that your fingers turn green and you grow big warts on your eyelids. Best catch up then...


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