Fowl weather!

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Opening the blind this morning revealed a chicken in the garden!!! An escapee. She had a great time, eating all of Larry's worms, picking at the mixed bird seed, sheltering under the cars when the heavens opened. She was quite tame, I said 'cluck, cluck, cluck' to her & she replied - see, I don't only hold conversations with robins & blackbirds!

She belonged to some neighbours across the way, who came & got her - she's a rescue chicken, an ex battery hen. She was featherless, skin & bone when they got her a few months back, now she's in very good health indeed! She's welcome back in the garden anytime!

Poor Larry...

Worse for wear

Yes the weather - good god the weather - foul it has been. *Meant* to be better tomorrow, but it's been the wind more then anything... without it, it would be rather pleasant! If it's not one thing, it's another, or both together with a little bit extra! xxx

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