Princess Aurora (or Sleeping Beauty)

Here is Princess Aurora sitting in my living room this afternoon!! She had this costume on from the moment she came home from nursery to PJ time.

Been a busy wee afternoon today. We picked Duncan up from school with Johnny. Katie went to Sophie's 4th birthday party at 5pm at Animal Magic.

Megan is off to Brownie camp tomorrow and the excitement is building in school I think with all the other Brownies. They will have a ball. My Dad went to the meeting for the camp weekend and kindly volunteered me do provide some baking!! He could have volunteered me for things I could buy, couldn't he??? Anyway, Megan and I have been busy cooking tonight and we have made truffles and chocolate chip cookies. Hope they are ok!!

Very late tonight with this shot due to the baking requirements!! hehe.

See ya all later.


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