Journal of a Jessica

By Wallflower

Professor Dumbledore.

I never did upload a picture from when I went to the Studio Tour, and let's face it - I can't not show you all a picture. Anyway, my camera is at my Grandma's house so I couldn't take any photos today. So we'll just sit back and enjoy the brilliance that is this photo... I was stood right in front of it imagining it was my first year at Hogwarts and Dumbledore was welcoming us before we got Sorted. I stood for a good five minutes, tears just streaming down my face. It was perfect, absolutely perfect. I want to go back, and I want to live there. I have so many more pictures that I really want to show you all.

I'm sick and tired of everything. I can't just have a normal week without getting upset over something, no matter how big or small it is. I'm just sick of not being good enough for anyone, and anything I do for anyone just gets thrown back in my face. I feel like I'm a last resort, someone who isn't appreciated, and I've had that with just about every single friend I've had in the past. I think that's why I'm so shy and have trust issues. But I'm not going to let people mess me around like this again, I'm actually done.

Song of the day. One of the greatest songs ever.

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