photos of life

By Jen16

Sleeping baby.

Spent this evening trying to get Jonah to drink from a cup.. Bought another 3 different types of cup for him to try today he won't take water or juice full stop so tried with his milk (moc!) and his supplement both of which he will take from his bottle. Well... Waste of time he just screamed pushed each cup aside shouting and crying 'more moc' I'm there saying "if you want milk it's in your cup" he cries more pushing me into the kitchen and pointing to the sink where his bottles are soaking! I refused to give him a bottle and left his cup out for him but he went to bed without any 'moc!' we have less than a week till the community speech and language therapist comes out to assess his feeding issues and I know they will start criticising that he is not using a cup, it's not cos we haven't tried though. Here he is asleep like butter wouldn't melt... Little so and so!!

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