Waving not drowning
Did I miss something? Did the Government pass some kind of law that you can't take your hands off the steering wheel any more (unless it's to use your phone while driving along the narrow pavement in front of my house like some 4x4 loon did today)??? What I'm asking is what ever happened to the courtesy driving wave? You know, when someone lets you through a narrow gap even though it's not really your turn, or when someone stops so you can pull out of an awkward parking space - you wave, don't you? Or at least lift one finger off the steering wheel in a gesture saying "I acknowledge your act but am too cool to demean myself with a wave or smile". Or just make eye contact. Anything. I'm not asking you to stop the car, get out, hug me, and thank me for renewing your faith in human kindness; but just maybe once in a while remember that the 'thing' that made your journey home just a tiny bit less stressful wasn't just a half tonne of steel, but another person.
So for all the people (and, oh, there were many today) who saw a crazed looking blonde in a rusty silver car waving frantically and grinning: that was me. That's my only tactic to try and bring some humanity back to driving. When one of those selfish idiots goes by me without a wave, I wave madly to freak them out, so that they think the person they've left un-waved-at is a friend who they've now mortally offended. After all, aren't we all just friends who haven't met yet?
Here endeth the plea.
And yes, I know the PS'ing on this is a bit rubbish but I'm cross and in a hurry. Where's my wine?
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