Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


This Christmas flower blooms better throughout the year in our yard than it does at Christmas time. I know there is a science and an art to cultivating the poinsettia plant, but I do know what that is.

I just appreciate the subtle beauty of these blossoms as I walk through the yard with our pups and I am thankful for the three pooches because they cause me to be in the yard much more I am sure than if we did not have them. Plus, I love the little "Welcoming Committee" they become when I return home after being gone for most of the day.

I've spent this day grading the papers of my Thursday students so that I can return them tomorrow. Then each student will submit a revised essay that they wrote at the beginning of the semester and have now improved. So a pause in grading is not going to happen. Next week they write another in-class essay. This is a little crazy, but my strategy is that they get through with the serious writing projects for my class before the daunting finals begin in all their other classes.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. I stayed up till 1:00 a.m. grading these essays and still did not get done! Ugh! Well I may catch a little time to read, comment on, and score the last few tomorrow morning while I am in the Writing Center.

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