
By FarmerGirl

My Last Resort

Today I took a picture of a paraglider that was circling the sky and I thought what a wonderful blip that would make for today - after all it's not everyday we get one of these colourful 'birds' in our sky! Later in the day I was talking to Kiwilizzie, who said that she had taken some fabulous shots of the paraglider (and they were fabulous!), so I told her I would leave that one for her to do and I would find another picture to blip.

Our Rising Two year old heifers arrived back today from their 'holiday' in Canterbury, and I had taken our two boys up to the run off after school for them to have a look at them - they had a couple of calves that they help raise and were interested to see what they looked like since they had been away for the past 13 months.

We came home about 5.15pm and I could not be believe my luck - what a fabulous sunset was rising above the thick puffy cloud over the Murchison Township. I took off inside to grap my camera, took what I thought was some wonderful photo's and after having a family meeting to pick the best photo was about to download it to blip then....... I noticed that TeeJay had basically blipped the same photo. Oh no I thought - beaten to the post blip again! So, instead I have had to resort to my poor old feijoa tree.

We have 3 feijoa trees which produces wonderfully juicy round fruit. My son T and myself are the only ones in our household that eat them, so we have plenty available. I may just have to make a Feijoa cake and not tell my husband and other son C what is in it.........

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