I bought this hibiscus last week, and it seems to be thriving on the back steps - with lots of these huge (hand-sized) bright blooms. Not sure it'll last long with my erratic irrigation patterns but it's very bonny for now.
Saw my parents safely off at the airport - though I discovered later that they were delayed two hours due to a broken plane. Happily they still made their connection in Amsterdam. This, added to a cancelled plane and three extra hours in Amsterdam on the journey down here, means that my Dad is now firmly against flying anywhere again - despite enjoying his time down here. Can't blame him really: delays, being treated like cattle and wasting time is all very well for frequent travellers, but when you're 73 with a bad leg all you really want - it seems - is your own home and a good cup of tea.
Not much else going on. More shopping for plasterboard and the like - including a strimmer I talked Mr B into buying, some DIY and much standing around admiring how big the pea and bean plants are getting, wondering whether it's nearly time to earth up the potatoes, and trying to figure out what to do about the rodent that pops up every night and eats another lettuce.
Then an indulgent two episodes of the Bridge. (Danish/Swedish crime show for when I look back on this and think "what bridge?")
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