Webb London Marathon

By Astonwebbo

Blip highlight 3

It is Friday all is good! We even 5 0 at football last night! But my blip today is all about the best summer of my life!!

As stated before I am looking back on my top 5 moments of my blip year, today I look back to my summer travelling America!

It was the best summer of my life, Vegas seeing the whitest ass I have seen from sun burnt Rachael, nearly dying hiking in the grand canyon, nearly dying White water rafter in Colorado, nearly being bit to death by Mosquitos in key largo, hand grenades in new Orleans (pic), 15 hours in disney land, $10 sweets in new York, baseball in Chicago, camping with a bear, seeing a whale, spending $200 on a night out in banff, meeting jim beam a lot, beaver and the bear, fernando the squirrel, being the worst canoeist ever!!! Are a few of the endless highlights of one hell of a wicked cool adventure!!!

Would love to go back and do it all over again!! What a summer!!

Av fun xx

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