
By Chiara


Rainy day. I wore weather-appropriate shoes. You wouldn't expect any less from me, wouldn't you?

Two Hollywood producers/writers came to my STP class and told stories, gave tips on selling screenplays, name-dropped a bunch of celebrities, and gave constructive criticism. I can't believe I waited 4 years for an education of this caliber. I learned more about writing and selling screenplays in the last 6 weeks than all 4 years of film classes combined.

I agree with Nate's statement that college is the biggest scam ever. They make you shell out thousands and thousands of dollars and 4 years of your life to study a multitude of pointless subjects (ancient Egyptian art, anyone?) on top of only three or maybe four courses that will be useful for your career. When I look back, I wasted about 7 semesters taking B.S. classes (math, science, humanities, etc.) that had nothing to do with my major. That's about $65,000. Sixty-five thousand dollars. If I could do it all over again, I'd take all my general education classes at a community college and transfer all the credits to Columbia. I would've saved about $7,500 per semester if I did that. Cringe.

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