Down in the Dip

By DownintheDip

Visit to the Sylvanian Shop

Went to London for a few days with the girls, it was their birthday present. For years they have wanted to visit the Sylvanian shop and it was now or never as they are getting a bit old. Sylvanians are these sweet little models of animals with clothes, houses, pizza shops, ice cream vans and a million other things to go with them. (They are called calico critters in America). We trooped around London, all of us, plus a wheelchair for daughter (on account of the broken leg). It was great for hanging all the bags on and going up and down the escalators to the Tube was interesting, but the best thing was how kind everybody was. We frequently had help to carry it and I even got into the London Eye for free on account of being her carer! I think I will take a wheelchair with me every time I go on holiday.

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