My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

The Scallop

I've had the day off work today so we could drive up early for our friends wedding in the morning. They are getting married in Thorpeness on the Suffolk coast so we took the train to Ipswich and then picked up a hire car. We stopped at Aldeburgh first to run around on the beach and also to see The Scallop sculpture. Here's the info from wikipedia on it-

On Aldeburgh's beach, a short distance north of the town centre, stands a sculpture, The Scallop, dedicated to Benjamin Britten, who used to walk along the beach in the afternoons. Created from stainless steel by Suffolk-based artist Maggi Hambling, it stands four metres high, and was unveiled in November 2003. The piece is made up of two interlocking scallop shells, each broken, the upright shell being pierced with the words: "I hear those voices that will not be drowned", which are taken from Britten's opera Peter Grimes. The sculpture is meant to be enjoyed both visually and tactilely, and people are encouraged to sit on it and watch the sea. Approached along the road from the Thorpeness direction it has a totally different silhouette appearing to be a knight on a rearing charger.

It looked beautiful lit up in the early evening sunlight. Im really looking forward to the wedding tomorrow as Julia is one of my best friends from uni and I cant wait to see her in her dress.

The Scallop, Aldeburgh beach, Suffolk

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