a lack of focus

By minnchip

The 8.20

By 8.20 I had already had a full day, or so it seemed.

Full of either hay fever or cold (probably the first) I dragged myself off to work but gave Josh a lift to school first. I hadn't realised what a big event Final Day is for the year 11 students. Sleepovers, walking to school in costume, optional classes and in general being allowed a brief run of the school. Nathan was right in the thick of it and Josh is looking forward to this himself in a couple of years.

After work ( and being blinded by a setting sun !!! on my journey home) I went off to the racecourse to watch Nathan's Saturday team in the EBYL Cup final. Kick-off was delayed due to the 8.20 at Ascot, and despite having the wrong lens I was delighted that I had my camera. A lovely spring evening, the horses starting the straight mile, and football to follow. Really, what could be finer? Oh, yes, I did have some food and drink :-)

This one isn't the clearest of shots and it is only the pre-race warm-up, but it gives the best sense of the clear spring evening and the beauty of horses running.

As soon as the horses were off, the football started. Nathan (injured) and I watched the match from the sidelines and saw his team finish 1-5 and runners up in the Cup Final. Still, quite a result for the Saturday team in getting to the final from 2nd place in the 2nd division. They have had a great season.

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