Bethanne and The Bench

When Bethanne found out I was going to be visiting my brother and his wife upon the arrival of their new son, she kindly invited me up to Vermont for the weekend. Always being up for a blipmeet, especially an international one, I jumped at the opportunity. Bethanne was kind enough to drive the 130 miles down to Massachusetts to collect me and my bike. The bike and I are pretty much inseparable at the moment! The plan is to cycle back to my brother's place on Monday, traversing the beautiful Green mountains.

So far I've been able to enjoy the full Bethanne experience. I was warned that India and Isabelle would give me an enthusiastic welcome, and she wasn't wrong there. They were so excited to see me - which was just a little bit intimidating when the Newf only weighs in at a few pounds less than me! But she's a gentle giant and now we've bonded she's mellowed out and is no longer trying to toss me into the air!! All this excitement has meant that Ming and Sydney are still hiding under the bedclothes. It's so funny to see these lumps on the bed! Sammy is much bolder and hasn't been phased at all by all the rambunctiousness. It's quite a family Bethanne has here.

So, having enjoyed a beautiful day of weather, we drove to see the sun set on the famous Lake Beebe. And this is Bethanne sitting on the bench that she has immortalised in blipland. Most of you will recognise it for sure. As you know, I'm not that comfortable with portraits, and Bethanne (if she doesn't mind me saying so) is not that comfortable with having her picture taken (although she has no reason not to be), so I hope I've captured a sense of the peace here and her love of this very special spot. I took photos of lots of nice trees along the Lakeside, but there could only be one shot I could blip today.

Thanks Bethanne for the invitation to your own Vermont - and putting up with my cold. It's been a wonderful day. And thanks also to everyone who passed comment on yesterday's blip. The quality of the observation and the writing you honour me with is nothing less than astounding. I am humbled again. It's now 10.45pm here and we've still to eat dinner! And Bethanne is suggesting an early start. I hope you'll understand if yet again I don't manage to visit any of your journals.

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