
By SeaGypsy

Life is for Living.

I have known that I would like to keep bees for a long while now. Time has sped by and today I attended my first organic beekeeping class. It was fabulous and many facts were mentioned that bore out my own theories. Jean Claude, our teacher beek, ( bee keepers are nicknamed "beeks") mentioned that once he stopped using antibiotics in his hives years ago, the diseases went away. One of my all time favourite books is The lives of a Cell by Thomas Lewis, so at this juncture in my life, it is thrilling to contemplate and anticipate bee-ing a beek!

Where's Waldo.

Name challenge competition.

The scene, an apiary with hives producing luscious honey, attached to a modest homestead or hobby farm . A couple of pet alpacas graze in the forage and produce quality fleece. Dotty and Hilary, my friends from work, knit away in their break with the alpaca wool. Both enjoy the challenge of knitting baby clothes and socks. In the farmyard enclosure will be backyard hens, laying free range eggs for family and friends. Naturally, I will endeavour to obtain certificates for marketing honey, as I know, there will be plenty of it.
My future ventures~ organic and vegetarian, non pasteurized and raw, all creatures will be embraced, named family members, zero cruelty. All profits from my hobby donated to Farm Sanctuary.

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