0804 to Leeds


Double or Bust

Wow, what a fantastic photography-filled day!

Had a blast on a travel photography course and even managed to find the time to visit both the Leica and Lomography stores. Bought something from one but not the other...you can probably figure out which! ;)

For the image today, the challenge was to produce a low-key photograph - details here: http://www.lightstalking.com/low-key-photography

I've used a photo I took today of a bust inside Manchester Town Hall - Edward Brotherton I think, though don't quote me on that!

Obviously some major processing has taken place here to get it into a 'low-key' state. I found the best way to achieve this in PS was to add a black layer on top of the image then use the (clear) brush tool to slowly reveal the bottom layer using a low opacity, soft brush. It takes a little bit of trial and error to get the right levels in the brush, as well as the strokes but it's worth it in the end! :)

Thanks for looking/comments/shares/favs!

Our Daily Challenge (ODC): DARK OR LOW KEY

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