
By monkus

a modern romance

and, in order to deflect charges of hypocrisy, i should admit that, yes, i had my camera. obvious, i suppose as i blipped this. not that i am a fan of pointing a camera around a pub. occasionally in certain contexts i will but in general i fear the same lack of awareness of my surroundings and that friends would think that i was being rude.

tonight we went down to the old chain pier, opened again after another prolonged absence. i noticed this couple at the table next to us...they came in, ordered drinks and then plugged into their phones. were they texting eachother? possibly skype?

i was having an uncertain blipday, thought that the walk to the pub would do me good, nice light & broken clouds...too long a day at work...and so took camera...maybe my sunset...? and there were some lovely sunsetish photo's but this was just too good to miss.

now i don't want to sound self righteous or curmudgeonly but....

i really don't understand it.

a few weeks ago a couple of friends were round, some nice wine was drunk and then, instead of the usual wander through various topics of conversation youtube was desired. after half an hour of amusing but dulling clips i could stand no more...this seems to parallel that moment...are we so intrigued and captivated by life in the third person? says he aware that he is sitting typing onto a computer screen in judgemental mourning!

but to offer up some semblance of balance, they probably wonder why anybody would carry a camera into a pub. not that they noticed.

although as a final twist i would love to see their blip of this prat with a camera pointed at them and a couple of paragraphs regarding the intrusion of such behaviour...

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