
Charley is learning that the hand is most definitely faster than the eye, and that spoons do make you choke... He gave up on breakfast this morning, apparently it was a spoon that he wanted, not actual food. Doesn't bother me, a spoon is far less mess to clean up! Pity about the marmalade toast and the porridge he'd already strewn about the place... He has discovered waving and banging. The spoon made him jump every time he waved it too close to his face!

We had a screen-free morning again. I'm kinda liking these mornings. No television for Ben, and no laptop for me - although I cheated and stayed connected on my phone!

Forget what we did this morning instead. Must've done something. Although I do remember it getting to midday and thinking that we'd not done any of the things we said we wanted to do, like baking, or painting.

Wrote my fees letter to the preschool though. Really hope they take it the right way. I want Ben to stay there, I don't want to be labelled as "that mum who makes a fuss", I don't see that I should have to pay extra, and I'll withdraw him if I do. Sigh.

So I had three hours to pass this afternoon while Ben was at school... walked to the Post Office to collect a parcel which turned out to be my beautiful posters, oh my, I was so excited! Bought some bits and bobs for the craft kits, walked home and then spent an hour browsing Pinterest while Charley fed. He was good enough to let me sign all the posters and wrap a few up ready for posting out, and then it was time to collect Ben again! Three hours goes fast. But it was lovely to walk at my own pace, and have uninterrupted snuggles and playtime with Charley.

Dinner took a very very long time to cook but was worth the wait - especially as my parents arrived to share it! Ben was delighted and proceeded to jump all over Grandad while mum came and kept me company in the kitchen. Sweets and chocolate and chocolate mousse (good call, Ben!) for pudding then off to bed for Charley. Ben stayed up even later, but came up to bed quite happily eventually. And the rest of us had an "early" night, before midnight!!

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