Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


I had a hectic day! First of all, I was working with a colleague who doesn't often work on a weekend. I'd said I'd meet her in the path lab at a certain time and, when I hadn't turned up dot on time (I was a couple of minutes late as I'd stopped off to buy a newspaper) she phoned my mobile in a panic, asking where I was and saying that the ward sheets hadn't printed out and that there was an error report that had. I told her not to touch a thing and that the other sheets would print out in the next couple of minutes...which they did! Then I had woeful tales constantly about the state of her relationship! Arrgghhhh...I needed a lie-down in a darkened room when we'd finished.

I then called at my Mum's as the boys had stayed there overnight. I also had an hour or so to relax there which was great. (Thanks Mum). Next, I drove Rowan over to a friend's party which was in the next town. I stayed there chatting with a couple of other Mums as it wouldn't have been worth while heading back home. When the party ended I had to drop Rowan off at home for Grandad to mind the boys so that Graham and I could head into Manchester to see Jerry Seinfeld in concert. After all this rushing about, we ended up sat on the train station platform for over an hour as the train hadn't turned up!! Made it into Manchester just in time for a Subway before heading to the MEN. We had missed the support comedian and Jerry Seinfeld was already on the stage....we'd only missed a minute of him though so it was fine and all worth it in the end.

This picture looks how my brain feels today!!

When I read over this, I realised that I had quite a lot of brews and natters today so maybe not as hectic as I thought...he..he!!

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