
By MaybeDailyBob

Ewe you looking at?

Had a lovely day today. Started off the day with breakfast in the garden! Down into Winchester for a wander round the Farmer's Market and spent my lottery winnings on 2 coffees at the Bridge Patisserie (slight panic as it is closing for 2 weeks for refurbishment). Cancelled my mobile phone contract (there is not enough space to accommodate the rant that goes with that!) while sat outside the Cathedral. A leisurely lunch was followed by a bit of gardening and a trip to the garden centre.
This afternoon we went with Adam to St Catherine's Hill for a walk and for him to show some lambs - they are an unusual breed we think. This is one of the ewes, the lambs did not want to be photographed and hid. I like the framing of the face by the structure of the 5 bar gate.
We also saw 3 sets of swans on nests. This one shows one swan with a nest full of eggs.
Now settling down with a beer in preparation for pork from the farm shop, asparagus from the farmer's market, purple sprouting broccoli fresh from the garden and wine from the fridge!

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