Webb London Marathon

By Astonwebbo

Blip highlight 4

As promised yesterday I resume my blip highlights today, today's highlight is the fact I have been asked to be Ali's best man!

It is a fantastic honour and something I cant wait to do! I was very surprised when Ali asked me but I obviously had no hesitation in saying yes, after all it guarantees me a ticket to his stag do! Which I have done nothing towards organising, actually in all honesty I have done nothing since saying yes, maybe I should step up and actually do something soon! Congratulations once again to Ali, walko and Riley the dog!!

I have also have been asked to be an usher for Russ and Stef which will be amazing, and very surprisingly Charlotte has asked me todo a reading at her wedding!! This is odd as I have an odd accent and I mumble a lot, it will however be an absolute pleasure despite the fact I will be rubbish!!

Anyway today's highlight is dedicated to so many of my friends being very happy and not forgetting me :)

Also congrats to man city!! Well done

Av fun xx

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