Life, as I saw it...

By Jerry

Happy Mother's Day

At times in my life I didn't put in the best effort. Sometimes the result has been devastating. I could write volumes and still not express what I feel completely. I don't have the vocabulary.

Sometimes we make purchases of which we never see the benefit. At times at the highest cost. It's a case of 'pay it forward'.

I will never get over the fact that once, even my best wasn't good enough. I've learned a few things in the past years. Maybe one day my best will be good enough.

I miss you, dear, you're on my mind
And could I reverse the hands of time
I would do so much so differently
To make life better for you and me.

But since I can't please rest your Soul
And free my heart from its torment
That someone may in time can heal
The shattered pieces whole again.

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